Speking is harder than writing

15 November 2013


Im actually trying to communicate with my group member for statistic subject. Guo WenBao, he is international student from China. Real China which don't know how to speak in Malay. At first i thought he's just a Malaysian chinese student. (Guys, if you don't make a lot of friend in a new place you're actually going to dead) Everybody in the class already got their own group, so WenBao is the one who left.

You know what? Speaking in english is harder than writing it. In writing you got a lot of time to correct your word even you can do spelling checking but not speaking. If you speak it wrong, then you're wrong. No reverse or redo or whatever.

But don't see this negatively. What is wrong to have an international student who don't know malay but can solve all your group assignment problem in your group? He got the knowledege. So it is time to share the knowledge, make new friends and improve your english and maybe learn some mandarin from the real China student.

And i know some mandarin word. So i said to Haliah.
Me: Cuba kau cakap "Baobei" kat WenBao
Haliah: Ei.. Semacam je muka kau. Tak mau la. Apa maksudnya tu?
Me: Uh? Ala cakap la. Kalau kau dah cakap nanti kau tahu la apa maksudnya.
Haliah: Tak nak. Muka kau semacam. Tak nak.

My face expression spoils everything. Urgh. K bai